Incoming students STEP by STEP
Always apply using Erasmus App
Always stay in touch with – Erasmus Coordinator at . Start with a simple email wherever you are and tell where and when you would like to go. Select the university you want to study at. For a complete list of places we work closely with and have bilateral international contracts , look at the Partner Schools card. Dear student, you are not restricted by the list of available universities, you can contact almost any university in Europe and ask if they would agree to sign an agreement with our university and accept you as part of the Erasmus program.
More information can be found in downloadable documents, recruitment rules, funding rules – see the exel file on the partner school website, read the FAQs. Read the request to the dean.
Fill in the application form available on the website. In the case of an internship, complete the internship program. Documents need to be sent by email to .
In the case of a positive result of the recruitment process, contact the university you are assigned to and read the information about the documents (eg Dorm Room) you need and check if a semester you are interested in is available.
Fill in the „Learning Aggregate” and obtain the consent of the dean and the representative of the partner university (in the contract, email DW Please also ask for a „Letter of Acceptance” school – a document confirming the completion of the recruitment procedure.
Students that go for an internship
When you decide to leave, it is a good idea to inform the Erasmus + Coordinator about your decision to inquire about funding availability or future funding by the University. If you would like to leave at an early stage, the university may report a higher funding requirement to the Erasmus National Agency.
The next step is to find a company from one of the Erasmus + countries (EU and Associated Countries) which would like to accept you as a trainee for a minimum of 60 days of study according to their studies.
The next step is to complete the Practical Training Agreement (download) and obtain the signature of the host company, the university (Erasmus + program coordinator) and you- the student. You must also meet with the department coordinator in his department and find out what percentage of required internship can be confirmed as the internship performed abroad (?). You also need to find out which part of this internship (which has to be always consistent with your major) abroad will cover some or all of the compulsory internship you need to perform. Working on the merit of the exercise program together with the department’s practice coordinator, in developing the Practical Education Agreement, will fully appreciate the achievement of mandatory practice.(?)
After showing the signed exercise program, we will move on to the next stages of your travel preparation, ie finding accommodation, execution of OLS test, signing the financial agreement, transferring the scholarship, your departure and return details, presentation of the Certificate, completion of the OLS test, recognition of the University’s internship and an entry in the Diploma Supplement.
After completion of the course you will receive the entry in the Diploma Supplement. From this moment your mother university will be able to record your internship abroad.
We send the following information on request to PRAXIS project implementers who have received a Lifelong Learning grant. Anyone who is Interested is asked to read the details. The text of the message you will receive is down below.
The PRAXIS network is a consortium of higher education institutions, companies, associations, research laboratories and chambers of commerce dedicated to the academic and professional needs of the Project / Internship educational paradigms. Now in partnership with Veedmee, PRAXIS proudly presents the video to all its existing and new users. Video Jump is a video that students can record from the comfort of their own home and is the first presentation for employers. Praxis gives recruiters a smart tool for quick appraisal of candidates who relate to their offerings. To learn more about this tool, please contact Nuno Escudeiro ( ), Technical University of Porto, one of the responsible for this project.Praxis ( ), Veedeme ( )
Dodatkowe informacje
The application must be accompanied by the „Program Agreement” – a list of majors that a person intends to study abroad. The „educational agreement” must be accepted by the student, the host university and the dean’s coordinator or the coordinator. Selected and listed courses must together give a minimum of 30 ECTS points per a semester. (Sometimes some differences might occur in programs in Poland, when students who are abroad perform less than 30 points). The number of entries in the list is therefore variable – usually between five and seven people in a semester. The subjects listed in the „Learning Agreement” should correspond to the topics that students have studied in a given semester in Poland, if they have not left. If they are not fully matched to SSW objects,
Scholarships fluctuate between 300 to 700 euros per month depending on the country the student will be located in. Details on the sources of funding in the academic year.
In conclusion, the most important is the prompt delivery of documents and motivation of students in the recruitment process. We will do every student wishing to leave.
Approximately 2 weeks before the planned departure, the student needs to sign a contract with the home institution which forms the basis of the Erasmus + scholarship.
The scholarship is paid for the period of study at the partner university, usually from the week 1 of the stay.
Persons entitled to a social scholarship – additional 200 euros per month – Attention! Only during studies!
The scholarship is paid after the contract is signed by the student and the rector.
The payment method is specified in the financial agreement.
The final scholarship is determined on the basis of the date of return of the student,(?) based on the certificate issued by the partner university. In cases where the duration of stay specified in the certificate is not the same as stated in the contract, the amount of the scholarship may change.
Erasmus Scholarship + The program is designed to cover additional, part-time costs associated with the stay at the partner university.
The scholarship is paid according to the financial agreement.
The period of stay abroad is calculated on the basis of the so-called. „Confirmation” (Confirmation of Stay) from a partner university with a specific date of stay.
Students who leave for the winter semester may apply for the extension till the summer term. To make it happen, the student must:
Get the parental consent (faculty / institute coordinator);
Obtain the consent of the partner university;
Make an agreement on science for the second semester.
The period can be financed from ERASMUS + budget provided by the university that has sufficient resources. After the successful approval of the student’s application for extension of studies abroad, the appendix to the contract prolongs the stay and any additional funding.
In Swietokrzyski University Of St. John Paul II In Kielce (SSW), there is no deadline for incoming students, please have in mind that preparation will take time, and try to apply two months prior to arrival date.
Below you will find links to Application Form, Learning Agreement, and Transcript of Records.(you can use any standard form from available in many Erasmus Higher Educational Institutions). Please send completed Application Form and Transcript of records by email.
In Transcript of Records, please fill in english names of your subjects in the mobility semester that you need to have replaced by our subjects, together with ECTS points.
We will reply to you with list of our subjects that you will be able to study in SSW, as similar as possible. If your Erasmus Coordinator and Dean agree to this subjects, please fill in Learning Agreement. Since its our first year in Erasmus , we do not have Subjects Catalogue yet.
It will be possible to stay in dormitory belonging to a bigger University in Kielce, located in city center, on University Campus.
It will cost 60-100 Euro per month. Unfortunately SSW doesnt have a dormitory.
Please remember that we do not have lectures in english, polish language only. All incoming students that dont speak polish (english only) will have individual toutoring, that means self studying from books and provided materials in english, and passing exams in english (written paper at the end of semester veryfying knowledge). Of course all incoming students are invited to attend classes with polish friends, but its not mandatory. That also means time to travel to Cracow, Warsaw, and Kielce region. Every foreign student will have guiding students from senior years, to show them Kielce, the campus, and help them feel at home.
Best Regards
Erasmus+ Coordinator
Koordynator Erasmus+